“We do everything we can to be friendly with each other!” (Important rule of our school)
The best way to practice this rule is to do great things together. So rocket class and rainbow class met for dancing, singing, story book cinema, sports and spent their breaks together. Everyone had a lot of fun and experienced how nice it is to meet other people and be friendly with each other. And because it’s so good for us, let’s just keep going on. The children of the rocket class and the rainbow class have become friends and will meet very often this school year. They will always do great things together and practice to be friendly with each other.
We meet for singing, dancing, drumming:
We meet for listening and viewing story books:
We meet for partner and group games in the gym:
Beside this teachers of two classes has explored an new cooperating way of teaching. We threw together our competences and became a bigger and stronger team. Good for pupils, good for teachers, good for learning and living in school.