11. February 2025

“Quality time” was for our opinion the term of the week in Romania. It was the term our colleague Szaby was using while explaining his music activity with pupils. It was the term we could feel when he was working with the children and when we were allowed to join a sensory swimming activity. It was the term we could experience when we were doing work (and having fun) together, when our colleagues from Romania showed us their beautiful town, when we went out together for meals and when we felt our community developing.

“Quality time” is the term we brought to Germany to our school because “Quality time” is for our opinion the benchmark for successful learning in the context of strong relationships. Therefore we will ask ourselves in future: Did our pupils experience “Quality time” during our lesson? Did we and our colleagues experience “Quality time” during preparation and implementation of lessons? Did families experience “Quality time” while meeting their children and us in school?

We decided to take this term as perspective for our next step in strengthening pupil-teacher-relationships and to take these questions as our key concept for evaluation our activities. Unfortunately the Corona crises keeps pupils away from school and we are confronted with a completely different and more difficult challenge. But even in times of crises we want to keep in mind: Let us create “Quality time”, as much as we can!

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