11. February 2025

All together …in a big  Hug…day

All together …in a big  Hug…day

On 21.01.2022 at C.S.E.I. Cristal Oradea we celebrated the Day of Hugs, within the Erasmus +All Together Strategic Partnership.

The activity aimed to strengthen the teacher-student relations, one of the objectives of the project.

As the current pandemic situation does not allow a joint activity to be carried out, for the safety and health of all those involved, our hugs have been virtual. For this, the preschoolers and schoolchildren involved in the activity, made, helped and guided by the coordinating teachers, hugs consisting of practical works, from hearts with messages and hands chained to hugs with photos and messages… and more… according to everyone’s imagination and possibilities…

After completing the works, the participating groups/classes exchanged works, all together in a huge virtual embrace. The children were delighted with these gifts, some receiving hugs even from former colleagues who left the preschool level at the school level, and others from children from other locations of our institution.

Snapshots from activity:

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