27. July 2024

Before advent has started pupils and teachers remembered the wonderful “A Christmas Cookie – All together”-activity we have done last year in the context of our Erasmus-project and breathed the wish to have another common advent calendar in the corridor of our school. As a result of this wish the pupils representers of all classes created the new advent calendar for the school in the same design as last year. All classes got the possibility to celebrate a little Christmas party with cookies, tea and candlelight. We also built a nativity set again. Pupils of all classes added figures. This year the Corona pandemic was friendly to us, all pupils stayed in school until Christmas and we were able to finish the nativity set completely.
Additional to that all classes worked on the same Christmas story which dealt with an angel who have had difficulties to fly and needed help for that. The angel got help from all pupils of the Heinrich-Böll-Schule who designed feathers with good wishes for the future of the world.
Together we make angels flying!

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