27. July 2024

Dragon class and polar bear class have worked together during a teaching project about community and friendship. Both classes worked on the book “The little Us”, which deals with conditions which let grow or shrink the feeling of “Us” between people. It also helps to get aware of advantages of being together and supporting each other. In the book “The little Us” gets personalised and becomes a friend on its own for the children.

The personalised “little Us”

Pupils read the the book with the storybook cinema on the Whiteboard in class. The pupils worked on several tasks, which dealt with the challenge how to strengthen the “Us” of the class.

Pupils designed different facial expressions for the “Us”. Now they can always show their classmates how they feel about their community.

Bad words make bad mood. Pupils collected all their bad words, wrote them down and burned them in a fire in the yard. That was fun! (Unfortunately no photos)

Pupils painted the “little Us” and decorated their classrooms. They always took the “Us” with them to motoric plays.

Pupils drew their hands and cut them out. They used them to dress the “little Us”.

What helps children of the class to get into good mood? The pupils collected “warm words” they can say to each other.

At the end pupils collected their ideas for helping the “Us” in their class to feel good. All pupils had got a lot of good ideas and they created a “jigsaw of wellbeing” which will remember them how to deal with each other.

And this is the feeling all pupils experienced during these wonderful days with the “little Us” in their classes:

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