17. January 2025

On  October 6 th  2020 we marked World Education Day at the  C.S.E.I. Cristal Oradea with an art therapy activity, within the framework of the Strategic Partnership Erasmus +All Together (2019-2021).

The main objective of the activity was to produce artistic works, illustrating the colors found in the Beatles’ song All together now. the official song of the project, as an integral part of a video with a compilation of pictures, an illustrated anthem of the project, made in collaboration with international partners. The partners in Bulgaria will make the video montage based on the images transmitted by each partnering country.

A flower panel was made, illustrating the colors in the song. Each group got a different color. Each child, depending on their strengths ,level of skills and level of development used a technique of their choice. Some painted with brushes or fingers, others crumpled the paper or cut shapes. The flowers thus obtained were mounted on a panel prepared in advance by our staff.

In the second part of the activity the children were thus able to be part of a veritable costume parade in the song colors

In this way we had a fun, musical and colorful Word Education Day.

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