11. February 2025

Since the 18th of March, COVID-19 determines our everyday school life. For nearly two months students weren´t allowed to go to school anymore to contain a spread of the virus. Consequently, schools had to face the new challenge “homeschooling”, which means teaching students from afar.

Therefore, we established digital boards with video tutorials, documents, pictures and learning apps, offered video chats and sent working materials via email or post. In order to guarantee the participation of everyone it was possible to borrow tablets. We also tried to provide additional explications and feedback on learning results by calling the students and their legal guardians regularly.

Since the 11th of May, students again visit school on selected days on a rotating basis in consideration of special hygienic measures. As a first step, each class was divided into three groups with four to five persons. As the groups were not allowed to meet they had an own classroom and different time slots for taking a break. Hygienic measures involve to disinfect hands when leaving or entering a room, to wear a mask and to keep distance of at least 1,5 meters from others.

Since the 15th of June, primary school is open again and children are taught in their regular classes. However, they still have to adhere the presented hygienic measures. Students in grades five to ten are taught on a rotating basis further on.

Right now we enjoy having holidays for six weeks. Have a nice summer and stay healthy!

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