17. January 2025

Before Corona forced our school to close we have planned to implement music activities for experiencing common “Quality Time” of teachers and pupils. We have bought cajons because they are easy to play and allow a lot of creative ideas in making sounds. These cajons were waiting for us all the time but we were not patient anymore and started a little pre-project-activity with four pupils of our caring group who visited school all time.
First, the children made their own drums. It took a while for them to dry, but then it started. We tried how the drums sound best and how best to hold them. It was not that easy, because you have to pinch them between your knees and you need a lot of strength to do that. It was easier later with the cajons. They’re on the floor and you can just sit on them and start drumming. Dead easy! The pupils had lots of ideas about what we could do with the cajons and they all sounded great! Teachers and pupils had a lot of fun and a real “Quality Time”. We are really looking forward to experience more Quality Times next school year – All together!

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