11. February 2025

Staying at Home in Corona Time

How do the children feel when they can not come to school in Corona times? How do they spend their time? Are they missing their schoolmates? Two students of Mrs Bernroth’s 7th class were writing personal letters to their teacher. The letters are originally written in English.

Dear Mrs Bernroth,’

In time from Covid 19 I stay at home and do my homework or help my Mum. It’s very boring here but it’s okay form me. I’m bored I have my cat Helga to play with. I feel fine and my parents are okay too. And what I’m going to do in the next weeks? I’ll do my homework, come to school once a week, read books, help my Mum, chat with my friends, play with my cat and help in the garden.

Stay healthy!

Lots of love, Fabienne                 

And another letter from a student:

Dear Mrs Bernroth,

I am fine but it is very boring and I miss my friends! When it’s nice outside I play basketball and in the evening I’m on the phone with my best friend.

Best regards, Franz

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