27. July 2024

Together in difficult times

We live in difficult times. Even if we are tried by numerous hardships during this period dominated by the pandemic it is important not to give up optimism or our usual activities that we can do during this period with small adaptations or in another form. The school lessons and our projects are still running. Our Erasmus project ”All together” team is still working on project goals.

We are in this period together with our students and with their families. In this period families need more support then ever. We try to be closer to the children and their families. We assist them when they are in need and they support us in turn. This period brought people closer and made relations between school and family more stronger and deeper.

These strengthened relationships are the foundation of good collaboration between all those involved and ensure the continuity of our project activities. Activities that we do „all together”on a slightly different stage.

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