Schools in Germany reopened after Summer Holidays
In all German states schools are open again after the summer holidays. Also the Janusz-Korczak-Schule has started teaching again – of course under Corona conditions. …
Forming strong trusting relationships in schools
In all German states schools are open again after the summer holidays. Also the Janusz-Korczak-Schule has started teaching again – of course under Corona conditions. …
Since the 18th of March, COVID-19 determines our everyday school life. For nearly two months students weren´t allowed to go to school anymore to contain …
How do the children feel when they can not come to school in Corona times? How do they spend their time? Are they missing their …
At the moment our students are mostly taught in home schooling. Only once a week they visit school and experience face-to-face teaching. In order to …
Close to the wall of our school building a little stone-snake was born. Children and teachers painted stones in a very creative and colourful way …
Corona time… A lot of things happen in school although the pupils stay at home or maybe even because of that. What are we doing …
Each school collected photos which show typical activities of pupils, teachers and families. They sent their photos via email to Sofia, where ICT-students of the …
For the first time teachers of five classes at the Heinrich Böll Schule have planned a joint teaching project in which collegial exchange was tested …
The project has started in Heinrich-Böll-Schule with some events of information. Teachers got informed intensively during their weekly meetings. They were invited to join the …